The makers of the upcoming mystery thriller ‘Neeyat’ have released the first track of the film, titled ‘Farebi’. Actor Vidya Balan shared the song on Instagram, captioning it “A track that will leave you questioning sabki Neeyat! #Farebi Song Out Now. #Neeyat releases only in theatres on 7th July.” Sung by Lothika Jha, the song is composed by Mikey McCleary and penned by Kausar Munir. The movie is directed by Anu Menon and stars Vidya Balan, Ram Kapoor, Rahul Bose, Neeraj Kabi, Shahana Goswami, Amrita Puri, Dipannita Sharma, Niki Walia, Shashank Arora, Prajakta Koli and Danesh Razvi.
The story revolves around billionaire Ashish Kapoor (played by Ram Kapoor) and his close circle of family and friends. When he is murdered at his own party, detective Mira Rao (Vidya Balan) is tasked with uncovering the hidden motives and mysteries of the case. Vidya has expressed her enthusiasm for working on the movie, saying she loved playing the “unusual and quirky” character. ‘Neeyat’ will be out in theatres on July 7.